NCBE Statement of Terms
NCBE Compliance
This coaching program utilizes materials which are created and licensed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners ("NCBE"). In order to ensure the security, confidentiality, and integrity of these materials from unauthorized use, all users are required to comply with certain NCBE safeguards. The NCBE requires each user to agree to the following Statement of Terms
The MEE questions and answers (“Content”) provided in this website or digitally or electronically are copyrighted by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (“NCBE”). You are permitted to view the Content for your personal and non-commercial use only. You are not permitted to copy, modify, reproduce, post, disclose, or distribute any of the Content in whole or in part. Any unauthorized use of the Content is a violation of NCBE’s rights and could subject you and others who are involved to criminal and civil penalties.